Chinese Medicine is a healing system that was developed over 2,000 years ago. This medicine helps to promote general health and wellness, as well as to relieve a wide range of health conditions. This is done through the the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition. In East Asian medicine the body is viewed, and treated as a whole. All aspects of the body, mind, and spirit are connected. Therefore each of these components can directly affect your Qi, also known as your life energy. The state of your Qi is reflected in your overall health and the way you feel. Qi flows throughout the whole body through a system of meridians. All of these meridians are related to points on the skin, known as acupuncture points. Pain and illness occur when there is a blockage or an imbalance in the flow of Qi through this system of meridians. Acupuncturists use many techniques to stimulate acupuncture points and meridians in order to promote the smooth flow of Qi. Acupuncture works by stimulating these points on the surface of the skin with ultra fine needles in order to restore flow of Qi so that the body can return to balance. Other common techniques that can be used to stimulate Qi are cupping, acupressure/massage, gua sha, and moxibustion or heat therapy. Herbal medicine and nutrition/food therapy, are also important tools for achieving and maintaining a balanced flow of Qi throughout the body. They can be used in conjunction with an acupuncture treatment, or as a stand alone therapy. Herbal medicine and food therapy help to balance your body from the inside out in order to maintain and restore health.